6th June

Roof Day


Starting in 2020, World Green Roof Day (#WGRD) has been
creating connections around the globe to embrace, enjoy
and showcase vegetated rooftops.

Since this time, there have been changes in green roof
design, concepts and builds to become more
multifunctional, including solar panels or areas
designated for people and for nature.

The theme for World Green Roof Day 2025 is Education.

More information can be found online and via social media
using #WGRD

About World Green Roof Day

Raise the roofs

This year’s theme for World Green Roof Day will

focus on education.

Let’s value the many ways we can educate, from practical
training and experiential learning, which will create the
next generation of green roofers to academic research
projects that will produce valuable data to support the
green roof industry.


This year’s Theme

Last Year - 2024

counties joined World
Green Roof Day

people posted on
Instagram on World
Green Roof Day

Amsterdam hosted a roof
to roof run with a trophy
for the winning runner.

in 2024

in 2024

in 2024



a green roof


Milton Keynes, England

In Milton Keynes, England, the Mayor, Marie
Bradburn and Youth Mayor, Maggie Beckett
provided healthy refreshments for a
community lunch on the
YMCA green
rooftop by creating fruit smoothies using
the Green Roof Project smoothie bike.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

A conference and roof visit in Bangladesh
was organised by Mili Ahmed of the Urban
Agriculture Foundation.

Rotterdam, Holland

Celebrations began in Rotterdam with the
annual rooftop open days called
Dakendagen. These events attracted
thousands of people to explore rooftops in
the city. DakAkker, one of the first Urban
Rooftop Farms, opened its doors to the
public as well as many other city rooftops.

Take a look at 2024 - Year 5

2020 Founding Year

World Green Roof Day
was started in 2020 in
the Covid 19 lockdown
by Dusty Gedge and

Chris Bridgman with
the hope of creating a
day to celebrate green
roofs across the globe.

2021 Year 2

A colony of rare orchids,
Serapias parviflora, was
discovered on the green
roof of Nomura
International Bank in
the City of London

2022 Year 3

A Lego green roof bus

stop kit, WGRD colouring poster, and interactive Minecraft challenge focused on inspiring the next generation.

2023 Year 4

Over 62 countries took
part. WGRD launched
a new children’s book,
Journey to the Green


WGRD over the years

Build a Lego bus stop (including green roof)

Hold an event and invite people to see
what a green roofs are all about

Build a small green roof on a bike or

bin store

Ideas for

Get on the map

Get Involved

A conference and roof visit in Bangladesh was organised
by Mili Ahmed of the Urban Agriculture Foundation. Make
sure you use the hashtag #WGRD so we can track the
World Green Roof Day movement.

Get on the map

Get Involved

Rooftop Revolution in Amsterdam organised a Roof-to-
Roof Run. The eventual winner, proudly won the Roof-
to-Roof Run challenge cup. Make sure you use the hash
tag #WGRD so we can track the World Green Roof Day


Share your stories

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